“Greek bailout is mass robbery”
Published 11 May, 2010, 08:43
Greece has kick–started talks on implementing its new economic austerity measures despite warnings of new union rallies. The plans will see pensions slashed and the retirement age increased.
The measures were a prerequisite for an international loan to pluck the country from the brink of bankruptcy. Earlier the EU and the IMF agreed to a rescue package worth a whopping €750 billion.
It is hoped it will prevent the Greek crisis from having a knock-on effect on other European nations. Member states will be able to draw on the funds to defend their economies.
US radio host Alex Jones says the plan will merely hit tax payers even harder in the pocket, and has compared Greece to the situation in America two years ago.
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“Just like we had the financial terrorism of 2008, where Henry Paulson and other people from Goldman Sachs who were controlling the federal government went in and threatened Congress with total financial collapse and ‘martial law’. The same thing has now been done in Europe and they are not really sure where this money is going to,” Jones said.
“These nations are going to have to pay off the private banks – banks with derivatives made up of tens of trillions of toxic assets that weren’t real. They sold them at full price. Now the governments own these and are in big financial trouble, so they are telling people: ‘We are going to have to take all or part of your pension funds to pay for this bailout.’ But it is not really a bailout; it is a mass robbery. This is just the greatest crime of history. The whole world is held hostage by these private central banks – they are just financially conquering nation after nation,” he added.
Greece : Deals to Secure an EU-IMF Bailout?!!!
Debt-ridden Greeks angry at defense deal
Published 30 April, 2010, 13:37
The European Union is due to agree on the final details of an emergency rescue for Greece’s debt-ridden economy.
....Many Greeks are furious that the government wants to slash salaries and pensions, but not defense bills...
..Greece began to cut its public spending starting with salaries, schools, and other social programs....
..Despina Koutsoumba is a member of the Greek Civil Servants Trade Union, and a mother and activist. She is fighting to make rent, and wants answers from her government. “From the salary cuts in the entire public sector including the pensions, they will gain 1 billion euros,” Koutsoumba said. “And they will spend 2.5 billion to buy six warships from France. Why?”
Implications are flying that these deals helped secure an EU-IMF Bailout.
“It’s a very extraordinary situation: the same governments, the same leaders, who are pushing Greece to cut expenses to cut our deficit are pushing us to buy more military equipment from their governments or military enterprises,” stated Dimitrius Papadimoulis, an MP from the Radical coalition.
Protesters claim Greece isn’t fighting for its own national interest but for third parties.
“We have NATO here, Frontex and other global organizations that cost us a lot of money and make us spend a lot of money,” said Koutsoumba. “It’s not only the defense budget for buying weapons for Greece, it’s money we spend to send soldiers elsewhere… why do we need Greek soldiers in Afghanistan?”
Despina wants answers because she wants a future.
“Now, we know that next year will be worse and worse and worse,” she said. “We don’t have control of our lives… you know I have a child and I wanted – I’m 36 years old – to have a second child and now I’m thinking, can I afford to have second child… can I afford to keep my house?"
Courtesy: RT TV Autonomous non-profit organization (ANO) “TV-Novosti”, Channel